Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Components of a "winning strategy"

Fifteenth adhyAya, eleventh prakaraNa  of artha SAstra deals with the topic of “winning strategy” making.
कृत्य स्वपक्ष परपक्षोपग्रहः कार्यारम्भांश्चिन्तयेत् । मन्त्र मूलाः सर्वारम्भाः ॥

It starts with “kRtya svapaksha parapakshOpagrahaH kAryArambhAM ScintayEt; mantra pUrvAH sarvArambhAH.”

Having made a good team, having understood the opponent’s team well, one should start making the strategy. Strategy precedes all endeavors. 
What are the aspects of such a “mantra” (strategy)?
कर्मणामारम्भोपायः पुरुषद्रव्यसम्पत् देशकाल विभागः विनिपातप्रतीकारः कार्यसिद्धिः इति पञ्चांगो मन्त्रः ॥
1.        An approach to the project (karmaNAm Arambha upAyaH)
2.        An estimate of required human and material resources (purusha, dravya sampat)
3.        An implementation plan showing place and time of tasks (dESa, kAla vibhAgaH)
4.        A complete list of risks and mitigations (vinipAta-pratIkAraH)
5.        A well defined success criteria (kArya siddhiH)
The above five aspects (or components) make up a winning strategy; says kauTilya.

What is to be done, resource estimation, a detailed plan of work-break-down structure, risk management plan and clearly defined exit criteria makes up a great strategy.
This definition holds good even in today’s world.

More in next post....  

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