Monday, September 2, 2013

SAsanAdhikAraH – on writing Ordinances, Directives & Letters

King / Leader should be able to clearly articulate orders. Only written memos help as a basis of deploying the orders of sandhi (conciliation) or vigraha (incitement).

So, the lEkhaka (scribe) should have all the qualities of a minister, can actively listen to the King, and make the letter clearly understandable by the recipients.

The memo should clearly mention its source authority and details of the recipient addressed in a formal fashion mentioning the name, designation etc., considering the level with proper salutation.

arthakramaH = proper sequencing of the content

sambandhaH = the linkage between previous point to the next point

paripUrNatA = completeness by mentioning the cross references, examples, law and sAstrAs.

mAdhuryam = sweetness; being able to convey the meaning gently by using the right words conveying the meaning.

audAryam = exaltedness; not using the slang words and using the proper vocabulary

spashTatvam = clarity; using unambiguous words gives the clarity

The above six are called the lEkha sampat the wealth of the scribe.

There are 63 letters. Joining the letters as per the rules of grammar words are made. Words are of 4 types. 1. Nouns signifies being. 2. Verbs are indicative of action. 3. Prefixes qualify actions. 4. Indeclinable are particles. A combination such words that makes a complete sense is a sentence. At the maximum three words can be combined together to make a samasa (A compound word). While completing the writing it should end with ‘iti’ and signify “this is the word of such and such King”.

nindA (criticism), praSamsA (praise), pRccha (enquiry), AkhyAnam (a statement of ‘what is’), arthanA (a request), pratyAkhyAnam ( a refusal / rebuttal), upAlambham (reproof), pratishEdham (prohibition),  cOdana (permission and direction), svAntam (appeasement), abhyapapatti (help during difficult times), abhibhatRnam (warning or threatening of consequences), anunayam (propitiation which is of three types a. request to do something, b. requesting pardon c. in the time of a calamity of personal loss to a friend etc., ); These 13 are the matters for writing.

The edicts are of 8 types. prajApana lEkha – letters that describe indirect communication, AjnA lEkha – letter of command, paridAna lEkaha – letter of gifts, parIhAra lEkha – letter of exemption (from taxes etc.,), naiSRshThika lEkha – letter of authorization (of someone else to execute orders on behalf of the Leader), pravRttika lEkha – memo communicating natural calamities or man-made disasters, prati lEkha – letter in reply, sArvatrika lEkha – general circular that need to be circulated all across the kingdom.

There are 4 upAyAs (techniques, means) to get things done. They are sAma, prdAna, bhEda & daNDa.

sAma is of five types  praising of merits, mentioning the relationship, pointing out mutual benefits, pointing out profits to both parties in future, placing oneself at the disposal of the other i.e., kind of self-surrender are the five types of peaceful conciliation.

pradAna is of giving some gifts in exchange of some benefits from the other party.

bhEdam is creating doubt or creating fear in the opponent (group of opponents)

danDam is the final means of applying force (by killing or strong punishment, seizing the property etc., )

The defects of writing are as follows: Lack of charm, contradiction, unnecessary repetition, incorrect usage of words, confusion due to misuse of punctuation – These are the defects.

kauTilya says “this chapter has been constructed, for the benefit of leaders, having seen various SAstras by me” (this is the first time he uses, I have written this chapter a fresh!)

Thus, we come to the end of 10th chapter of second book of artha SAstra.

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