Saturday, June 1, 2013

dUta praNidhi - Appointing diplomatic messenger

Having finalized the strategy King should appoint the right messenger to start the deployment of the strategy. (उद्धृत मन्त्रो दूत प्रणिधिः )

If a dUta has all the qualities mentioned for the minister then he can be left with whole responsibility of dautya. The activity of dautya involves giving the right message to the other party (could be an enemy King or someone whose friendship is sought etc., )

If the dUta is lacking a quarter of qualities he has to be assisted. If lacking half the qualities he can only be used as a messenger.

प्रेषणं सन्धिपालत्वं प्रतापो मित्रसंग्रहः
उपजापः सुहृद्भेदो दण्डगूढातिसारणम्
बन्धुरत्नापहरणम् चारज्ञानं पराक्रमः
समाधिमोक्षो दूतस्य कर्म योगस्य चाश्रयः

messaging, managing alliances, showing the greatness of the King/Leader,  acquiring friends for the Leader
instigating enemies of the enemy, breaking friendships of the enemy, getting the spies and army into the enemy territory (or creating such a channel)
breaking the ties between enemies relatives and sources of flow of wealth, learning the secrets of enemy and enemies' power; freeing up the hostages and secretly deploying the components of the strategy in the (opponent's) territory are the duties of a dUta.

So, King/Leader should employ his dUtas in other territories and protect the dUtas of other kings in his territory being careful and watchful of the dUtas (diplomats / envoys ) from other kings in his territory.

My Notes:

This is the beauty of artha SAstra. cANakya says "svadUtaiH kArayEdEtat paradUtAMSca rakshayEt, pratidUtApasarpAbhyAM dRSyAdRSaisca rakshibhiH" - protect the messengers/diplomats/envoys of other kings who are in your territory. That is dharma. That is righteousness. and kaUTilya is always on the right path while dealing with the subject.

See the importance given to the dUta in strategy deployment. A right messaging and dealing with the other parties impacted by the strategy makes a strategy deployment successful. A strategy may involve a war, an alliance or an improvement. In whatever case, it causes change. The change should be handled. That requires public relations. One who takes care of right timing and right messaging of strategy is the diplomat.

This brings us to the end of 16th chapter and 12th topic of artha SAstra.

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