paNya, kupya, AyudhAgAra adhyaksha
This post covers three chapters dealing with supervisors of trade, forest produce and armoury. These three are important functions just after the kOSa and kOshTa covered in last two posts.
paNyAdhyaksha - should oversee the trade that happens in the kingdom. For the goods produced in the country the market should be centralized; for the goods imported from other countries the markets distributed; both markets should favour the people (ubhayam ca prajAnaAm anugrahEna vikrApayEt)
sthUlam api ca lAbham prajAnAm a-upkArikam vArayEt - Even there is a chance to make big profit, if it injures the interest of the subjects, should be avoided. (Making big profits by exploiting the consumers should be controlled by the director of trade!)
Should make sure there is no artificially created demand by stopping smooth flow of goods to public. Also should make sure the old stock is mixed with the new stock by the traders.
kupyAdhyaksha - oversees the forest produce. He should establish necessary workshops to make the best use of forest produce by the various persons live on the forest produce. He should make sure the produce is used for benefit of people living in the cities & forests as well as for protecting the forts and the kingdom.
(Forest produce includes collecting several poisons from poisonous creatures!)
AyudhAgArAdhyaksha - is responsible for overseeing the activities of armoury. He should be well versed with:
a. things used in the combat
b. things used to protect ones own fort and kingdom
c. things used to break into enemy's kingdom
weapons, protection from weapons, other tools, machinery, along with the people who can operate them and maintain them correctly, amount of time and cost of preparation of such things, their sources etc.,
He should make sure all the static machinery (which is established in one place) is established in its respective places with in the fort and kingdom.
He should make sure all the movable armoury is kept in different places and continuously change the places to make sure it is not kept in one location all the time.
The master of armoury should also take care of various forest produce which is used in warfare! (Some material used for fooling the enemy and making secret attacks!)
My Notes:
So, every responsible position has clear roles and responsibilities defined. Clear handshakes understood and cANakya's administration works perfectly hand in hand across the functions.
Labels: artha SAstra, cANakya
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