Monday, November 18, 2013

Standardizing weight, volume, time and space measurements

Standardizing weight, volume, time and space measurements

pautavam - tulAmAna pautavam - The superintendent of weights and measures should establish the standard weights and measures of volume. Weight measures for gold, silver and diamond are explained followed by larger weights. The method of making balances, standard weight stones is explained.

The volume measure of liquids and standard volume measures are also explained in this 19th chapter of second book of artha SAstra.

The 20th chapter gives an account of mAnAdhyaksha - Who is responsible to establish the standards for measuring the time and space.

In the minute scale for length starts with a paramANu (which can't be observed with naked eye) till an angulam (inch). The later scale goes all the way to a yOjana.

Measuring time starts with one forth of the time taken to blink the eye (nimEsha). It goes all the way up to a measure of yuga.

Methods of making the time measuring instruments based on sundials, water based time measures etc., are given in this chapter.

Deciding the reconciliation between the lunar and solar years is also been discussed.

It is really important to precisely measure the standard units and the subject has been dealt carefully by cANakya in artha SAstra.

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